[plt-scheme] Efficiency: Chaining locals (using only when needed) OR "all in one local"

From: czhu at cs.utah.edu (czhu at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 21 17:28:24 EDT 2006

"local" is very fast (negligible). So, if "temp stuff" is very fast
(negligible), you may perfer CONSTRUCT A for it's easy to read, otherwise B is
the choice.


Quoting Albert Neumüller <albert.neu at gmail.com>:

> Hello!
> Which construct below gives you better performance?
> The first one, calculates all the "temp stuff" inside one single local.
> The second one, calculates uses multiple locals, and does *not* calc
> "temp stuff" that is not needed?
> It problably depends on:
> 1. how heavy "temp stuff" is to evaluate
> 2. the max. number of locals that could be chained one-after-the-other
> Are multiple locals more expensive than a single local, if "temp
> stuff" is very fast (negligible)??
> ;==CONSTRUCT A=======================================
> (local ((define a ...)
>         (define b ...)
>         (define c ...)
>         (define d ...)
>         (define e ...))
>   (cond
>     [(= a b) ...]
>     [(= b c) ...]
>     [(= c d) ...]
>     [(= d e) ...]
>     [else ...]))
> ;==CONSTRUCT B=======================================
> (local ((define a ...)
>         (define b ...))
>   (cond
>     [(= a b) ...]
>     [else (local ((define c ...))
>             (cond
>               [(= b c) ...]
>               [else (local ((define d ...))
>                       (cond
>                         [(= c d) ...]
>                         [else (local ((define e ...))
>                                 (cond
>                                   [(= d e) ...]
>                                   [else ...]))]))]))]))
> Kind regards,
> Albert Neumüller
> Here are 2 examples:
> ;;HTDP twenty-nine.three.nine
> ;(just to keep students from finding this answer)
> ;;b-c? : (vectorof number) number -> N
> ;;if key is in vec, return vector index; else return false
> (define (b-c? vec key)
>   (local ((define len-sub1 (sub1 (vector-length vec)))
>           (define left-ref (vector-ref vec 0))
>           (define right-ref (vector-ref vec len-sub1))
>           (define (contains? left-i right-i len)
>             (cond
>               [(<= len 1) false]
>               [else (local ((define len2 (quotient len 2))
>                             (define mid-i (+ left-i len2))
>                             (define mid-ref (vector-ref vec mid-i)))
>                       (cond
>                         [(= key mid-ref) mid-i]
>                         [(< key mid-ref) (contains? left-i mid-i len2)]
>                         [else (contains? mid-i right-i (- right-i mid-i))]
>                         ;here len2 has to be re-calculated
>                         ;e.g. it could be that: left-i = 0
>                         ;                       right-i = 5
>                         ;                       mid-i = 2
>                         ;                       len2 = 2
>                         ;Of course (= mid-i (+ left-i len2)) since
> that's how we calc mid-i above
>                         ;But if we continue the search on the right half,
> then
>                         ;"new len2" = (- right-i mid-i) = 3 (which is not 2)
>                         ))])))
>     (cond
>       [(= key left-ref) 0]
>       [(= key right-ref) len-sub1]
>       [(< key left-ref) false] ;this line and the next are optional
> and not strictly needed
>       [(> key right-ref) false]
>       [else (contains? 0 len-sub1 len-sub1)])))
> ;;b-c?2 : (vectorof number) number -> N
> ;;if key is in vec, return vector index; else return false
> (define (b-c?2 vec key)
>   (local ((define left-ref (vector-ref vec 0)))
>     (cond
>       [(= key left-ref) 0]
>       [(< key left-ref) false] ;this line is optional and not strictly
> needed
>       [else (local ((define len-sub1 (sub1 (vector-length vec)))
>                     (define right-ref (vector-ref vec len-sub1)))
>               (cond
>                 [(= key right-ref) len-sub1]
>                 [(> key right-ref) false] ;this line is optional and
> not strictly needed
>                 [else (local ((define (contains? left-i right-i len)
>                                 (cond
>                                   [(<= len 1) false]
>                                   [else (local ((define len2 (quotient len
> 2))
>                                                 (define mid-i (+ left-i
> len2))
>                                                 (define mid-ref
> (vector-ref vec mid-i)))
>                                           (cond
>                                             [(= key mid-ref) mid-i]
>                                             [(< key mid-ref)
> (contains? left-i mid-i len2)]
>                                             [else (contains? mid-i
> right-i (- right-i mid-i))]
>                                             ;here len2 has to be
> re-calculated
>                                             ;e.g. it could be that: left-i =
> 0
>                                             ;                       right-i =
> 5
>                                             ;                       mid-i =
> 2
>                                             ;                       len2 = 2
>                                             ;Of course (= mid-i (+
> left-i len2)) since that's how we calc mid-i above
>                                             ;But if we continue the
> search on the right half, then
>                                             ;"new len2" = (- right-i
> mid-i) = 3 (which is not 2)
>                                             ))])))
>                         (contains? 0 len-sub1 len-sub1))]))])))
> (define vec1 (vector 1 2 4 5))
> (define vec2 (vector 1 2 4 5 6))
> (define go1
>   (local ((define (f i)
>             (b-c? vec1 i)))
>     f))
> (define go2
>   (local ((define (f i)
>             (b-c? vec2 i)))
>     f))
> ;tests:
> (equal? (build-list 7 go1)
>         (list false 0 1 false 2 3 false))
> (equal? (build-list 8 go2)
>         (list false 0 1 false 2 3 4 false))
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