[plt-scheme] PLT Redex w/ 301.13

From: Williams, M. Douglas (M.DOUGLAS.WILLIAMS at saic.com)
Date: Wed May 31 14:49:44 EDT 2006

Have you tried removing the PLaneT cache - /home/steck/.plt-scheme/planet/
in this case - and retrying it?  Also, the latest nightly build of 301.16
seems to have fixed my PLaneT related problems.  [I tried my own PLaneT
collections this morning under the latest build at they worked.]

Just some thoughts.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu [mailto:plt-scheme-
> bounces at list.cs.brown.edu] On Behalf Of Paul A. Steckler
> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:39 PM
> To: plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu
> Subject: [plt-scheme] PLT Redex w/ 301.13
> I'm running DrScheme version 301.13-svn9may2006 on Linux, because
> the latest legit release crashes on startup.
> When I put
>   (require (planet "[file]" ("robby" "redex.plt" 2 2)))
> in my program, I get the message:
>   open-input-file: cannot open input file:
>    "/home/steck/.plt-
> scheme/planet/300/301.13/cache/robby/redex.plt/2/2/[file]"
>    (No such file or directory; errno=2)
> What do I need to do to get the PLaneT package to load?
> -- Paul
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