[plt-scheme] Organizing Code, Pt.2

From: Kevin A. Smith (kevin at hypotheticalabs.com)
Date: Tue Mar 14 06:09:16 EST 2006

Danny Yoo wrote:

>>(module module-a
>>   (lib "swindle.ss" "swindle")
>>   (defclass test-parent()
>>      (name :accessor name :initarg :name))
>>   (provide test-parent))
>>Requiring this module allows me to create instances of the class but
>>inspecting these instances fail:
>>=> (require (lib "swindle.ss" "swindle"))
>>=> (require "module-a.scm")
>>=> (define tp (make test-parent :name "Parent"))
>>=> (display-object tp)
>>#<test-parent:Parent>=> (name tp)
>>reference to undefined identifier: name
>Hi Kevin,
>I'm not too familiar with CLOS yet, but does SLOT-REF do what you want?
>>(slot-ref (make test-parent :name "Parent") 'name)
>Best of wishes!
Yep. slot-ref seems to work, so that's a possibility. I'm still curious 
as to why (name tp) fails. I think I'm missing something about how 
Swindle generates accessors because mzscheme complains about duplicate 
identifier definitions when I add:

(define (name tp)
   (slot-ref tp 'name))


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