[plt-scheme] Announce: SQLI/SQLD PLaneT package

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Fri Jan 6 14:42:00 EST 2006

Yes I've thought about that. But this would result in 6 PLanET packages:


Wouldn't this be a problem?


Noel Welsh schreef:

>I don't have a full understanding of the problem, but could
>the SQLI library not be split into driver and interface
>libraries?  This would mean the package only tries to
>compile for the drivers the user actually has.
>--- Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>>At Fri, 06 Jan 2006 15:06:38 +0100, Hans Oesterholt
>>>Hans Oesterholt wrote:
>>>>I think I know what I'm seeing. But I'm not at my
>>system right now.
>>>>It's at the compile zos phase and trying to require
>>c-sqld-db2.scm (which
>>>>points to c-sqld-db2.dll). As I didn't provide the
>>DB2CLI.DLL for DB2,
>>>>It will not compile.  I'm not sure what to do.  I
>>could supply the needed
>>>>DLL, but it's a vendor library. Or I could implement
>>a dependency in
>>>>the pre-installer for windows. Well, I'm not sure.
>>>>Anyone, what would you do?
>>I'd make the library dependency dynamic somehow, either
>>by having
>>Scheme code use `dynamic-require', or by delayloading
>>"DB2CLI.DLL". The
>>latter seems promising in this case if you're building
>>the DLL with
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