[plt-scheme] weak tcp-fu or bug?

From: pedro pinto (pedro.e.pinto at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Apr 13 13:48:42 EDT 2006

Hi there,

I am having some trouble quickly establishing and tearing down TCP
connections and bindings on the same port. After a couple of
iterations my connecting thread reports a successful connection but
the accepting thread does not. This might be a normal artifact of how
TCP is implemented on Windows but I do not know enough about TCP to be

Below is a little sample that illustrates the problem. Iteration on my
Windows XP Professional stops at 2 or 3.  I have also attached the
output of the sample, which includes interleaved calls to netstat.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

  (require (lib "async-channel.ss")
           (lib "thread.ss")
           (lib "process.ss")
           (lib "setf.ss" "swindle"))

  (define ch (make-async-channel))

  (define (accept port)
    (run-server port
                (lambda (in out)
                  (printf "Accepted~n")
                  (async-channel-put ch (current-thread))
                  (sleep 100000))

  (define (connect port)
    (printf "Connecting~n")
    (tcp-connect "localhost" port)
    (printf "OK~n"))

  (define (test port)
    (let ((th1 (thread (lambda ()
                         (accept port)))))
      (connect port)
      (system "netstat")
      (printf "Waiting for read thread to start~n")
      (let ((th2 (async-channel-get ch)))
        (printf "OK~n")
        (kill-thread th1)
        (kill-thread th2))))

  (let loop ((n 0))
    (printf "Test ~a~n" n)
    (test 41235)
    (printf "...OK~n")
    (loop (+ n 1))))

Test 0

Active Connections
  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP    Strider:1602           localhost:41235        ESTABLISHED
  TCP    Strider:41235          localhost:1602         ESTABLISHED

Waiting for read thread to start

Test 1

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP    Strider:1602           localhost:41235        CLOSE_WAIT
  TCP    Strider:1603           localhost:41235        ESTABLISHED
  TCP    Strider:41235          localhost:1602         FIN_WAIT_2
  TCP    Strider:41235          localhost:1603         ESTABLISHED

Waiting for read thread to start
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