[plt-scheme] Hosting Survey

From: Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Sep 7 11:56:52 EDT 2005

A quick survey:

Would you pay $10 a month for hosting that included the PLT
web server?  Let's assume it had a stable release, and a
nightly snapshot, and you got 10s of MB of space.  Would
you need DNS, email, and other features?  Would you need a
shell? Would you be happy with 'when we get around to it'
support?  If you wouldn't pay $10 would you pay $5?

Answers to me please.  I don't want to create any
expectations about this survey so I won't say why I'm
posing the question, but if you're truly curious you'll
figure it out.


Email: noelwelsh <at> yahoo <dot> com   noel <at> untyped <dot> com
AIM: noelhwelsh
Blogs: http://monospaced.blogspot.com/  http://www.untyped.com/untyping/

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