[plt-scheme] Trace in versions 209 and 299.404

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 28 17:19:19 EDT 2005

At Fri, 28 Oct 2005 19:17:49 +0100, Paulo Jorge Matos wrote:
> Obviously the latest version seems the correct trace. Unfortunately I
> was not able to find a bug report about this since the first trace
> seems to be a bug although I'm quite unsure since 209 is labeled as
> the 'stable' version.

In v209, `trace' was documented to break tail calls. This limitation
was removed somewhere along the way to 299.

> How can I possible, access the Changelog for each version change. Is
> there a simple way to do this with svn or with any other tool?

"svn log collects/mzlib/trace.ss" shows no changes, so it must have
been fixed before the switch to SVN. A CVS log from the old server (I
guess it's still active) should show the difference.


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