[plt-scheme] Patch for swig 1.3.24 for mzscheme 209/299.100

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Tue Mar 29 09:15:40 EST 2005

Dear Plt'ers,

I'm sending a patch against SWIG 1.3.24 to support
mzscheme both mzscheme 209 and 299.100.

It automatically distinguishes between the two.

As can be seen, the mapping between C and mzscheme
299.100 is less efficient. Especially the SCHEME_STR_VAL
and SCHEME_STRLEN_VAL wrappers are inefficient.

Maybe it is possible to correct this, but I'm not that
much introduced to the internals of mzscheme.

I've tested this change with mzgtk2 for both mzscheme 209
and mzscheme 299.100. Both worked fine.

I haven't tested the code with C++ std::string, etc.
Can anyone test that this language binding at least
still works works with mzscheme 209?

Thanks in advance. Any comments are appreciated.

Hans Oesterholt

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