[plt-scheme] Can't connect to PLT version server [299.100 on linux]

From: Evangelos Tsagkas (lunluc at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Jul 9 19:12:45 EDT 2005

hi all,

i hope this has not come up again on this list, although i googled
about it and found nothing relevant. i just switched yesterday on my
linux box to 299.100 from 209.xx and get the error on the subject line
when trying to check for updates. i didn't get this error with 209.xx.
both versions where installed from the bin .sh bundle. i installed the
new bundle on top of the previous one.

am i missing something obvious?
there is a finish-install script in my plt installation dir. do i need
to run this before using my new drscheme?

thanx in advance.-l

if feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you
-- ee cummings

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