[plt-scheme] Re: match: syntax checking of =

From: Bruce Hauman (bhauman at cs.wcu.edu)
Date: Mon May 3 09:39:59 EDT 2004

David Van Horn wrote:
>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> David Van Horn wrote:
>> I recently made the following typo:
>>    (match 'x ((= symbol?) #t))
>> instead of
>>    (match 'x ((= symbol? _) #t))
>> The former causes an infinite loop when using the syntax checker or 
>> evaluating the expression (as does (match 'x ((=) #t))).  The pat 
>> production for = is (= expr pat) so I wonder why this doesn't raise a 
>> syntax error.  Is this a bug?
> Upon further inspection I've found the following all cause the syntax 
> checker to loop:
>    (match 'x ((set!) #t))
>    (match 'x ((get!) #t))
>    (match 'x ((= f) #t))
>    (match 'x ((=) #t))
>    (match 'x (($) #t))
>    (match 'x ((not) #t))
> David

Thank you David.

I will look into this.



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