[plt-scheme] servlets not found in v299 web-server

From: Doug Orleans (dougo at place.org)
Date: Mon Dec 13 17:10:36 EST 2004

Mike Burns writes:
 > --- Doug Orleans mumbled on 2004-12-13 13.37.52 -0500 ---
 > > When I run the v299 web-server, it can't find any servlets, not even
 > > configure.ss.  My configuration-table is pretty much identical to the
 > > one in the web-server collection, and it works fine in v208.
 > Can you list the steps you used to get here, from CVS checkout to testing 
 > the Web server?

1. checkout a clean exp-tagged copy from CVS
2. make; make install; install
3. cd /home/web; mzscheme
4. (define shutdown (serve (load-configuration "www/configuration-table")))

/home/web/www contains configuration-table, conf/, htdocs/, servlets/.

 > What differences are there between your configuration-table and the 
 > default's?

% diff /usr/local/plt/collects/web-server/configuration-table www/configuration-table
<       (default-servlet-timeout 60)
<       ;(default-servlet-timeout 300)
<       ;(default-servlet-timeout 10)
<       (password-connection-timeout 300)
<       (servlet-connection-timeout 86400)
>        (default-servlet-timeout 300)
>        (password-connection-timeout 300)
>        (servlet-connection-timeout 86400)
<       (host-root "default-web-root")
>       (host-root ".")

If I cd /home/web/www instead (and use "../www/configuration-table")
it seems to work.  However, if I change host-root to "www" and start
from /home/web, I get this error: 

  open-output-file: cannot open output file: "/home/web/www/www/log" (No such file or directory; errno=2)

--dougo at place.org

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