[plt-scheme] Web server authorisation

From: Francisco Solsona (solsona at acm.org)
Date: Tue Oct 28 15:24:27 EST 2003

Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> writes:

>>  https would be a good addition to the webserver now
>> there is SSL support in PLT Scheme. 
> In CVS, see "plt/collects/handin-server/web-status-server.ss" for an
> https server.

I hacked my local copy of the web-server collection to provide a
ssl-serve procedure, that works like serve but implements https.

It also extends the configuration table, and related procedures.  I
can provide a patch against the current CVS tree.  I'm not sure this
is the Right Way(TM) to do it, though.


Posted on the users mailing list.