[plt-scheme] mxmain.dll not valid windows image

From: Paul Steckler (steck at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 28 11:44:50 EST 2003

> Yes, the binary plt 203 included a MysterX collects, but no dll's.
> I didn't remove that collects before installing MysterX.
> Just I did remove that collects and the install succeeded.

I suspect that directory was leftover from a previous version, because
the v203 distribution does not include it.  

I verified that v203 MysterX installs OK on my home machine.

Another possibility is that somehow the .plt file got corrupted.

I would

	- delete plt\src\mysterx, plt\collects\mysterx,
plt\notes\mysterx by hand
	- delete the mysterx.plt you now have
	- download a new mysterx.plt

Does that help?

-- Paul

Posted on the users mailing list.