[plt-scheme] PLI 2002 early registration deadline approaching

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 3 11:26:35 EDT 2002

[This is the last announcement we will send about PLI 2002.  Please
 note that the early registration deadline is just over a week away.
 We look forward to your participation in the events!]

			       PLI 2002
	      Principles, Logics, and Implementations of
		   High-Level Programming Languages

		     Early Registration Deadline:
			  SEPTEMBER 12, 2002

			 Pittsburgh, PA, USA
			  October 3-8, 2002

PLI is a confederation of conferences and workshops aimed at the
advancement of high-level programming languages.  This year, PLI
consists of three conferences:

  ICFP (International Conference on Functional Programming)
  PPDP (International Conference on Principles and Practice of
        Declarative Programming)
  GPCE (Generative Programming and Component Engineering)

and seven workshops:

  PLAN-X (Programming Languages for XML)
  Rule (Rule-Based Programming)
  VCL (Verification and Computational Logic)
  FDPE (Functional and Declarative Programming in Education)

The hotel's cut-off date for guaranteed reservations at the group rate
is also September 12, 2002, so do register and reserve soon.

We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!

Shriram Krishnamurthi
Publicity Chair
PLI 2002

Posted on the users mailing list.