Section(basic) Section(unicode) Section(rx) Section(reading) Section(readtable) Section(printing) Section(macro) Section(syntax) Section(procs) Section(stx) Section(module) Section(numbers) Section(unsafe) Section(object) Section(struct) Section(unit) Section(unit/sig) Section(threads) Section(logger) Section(synchronization) Section(deep) Section(continuation-marks) Section(prompt) Section(wills) Section(namespaces) Section(modprot) Section(chaperones) Section(parameters) Section(port) Section(file) Section(udp) Section(file-after-udp) Section(path) Section(optimization) Section(names) Section(setup) Section(for) Section(list) Section(math) Section(vector) Section(function) Section(dict) Section(contract) Section(fixnum) Section(flonum) Section(mpair) Section(etc) Section(structlib) Section(async-channel) Section(restart) Section(mzlib-string) Section(path) Section(filelib) Section(portlib) Section(threadlib) Section(sets) Section(date) Performed 35 expression tests (31 value expressions, 4 exn expressions) and 6 exception field tests. Errors were: (Section (got expected (call))) ((date) ((638931660) Error (find-seconds 0 1 2 1 4 1990))) (Other messages report successful tests of error-handling behavior.) Section(compat) Section(command-line) Section(stream) Section(sequence) Section(generator) Section(pconvert) Section(pretty) Section(control) Section(serialization) Section(packages) Section(mzlib/contract) Section(sandbox) Performed 281 expression tests (281 value expressions, 0 exn expressions) and 0 exception field tests. Errors were: (Section (got expected (call))) ((sandbox) ((bad-exception-message: "with-limit: out of time") #t (# "out of memor(?:y)" # #))) ((sandbox) (#f #t (# #))) (Other messages report successful tests of error-handling behavior.) Section(shared) Section(kw) Section(macrolib) Section(resource) Section(syntax/....) Performed 152701 expression tests (139300 value expressions, 13401 exn expressions) and 26923 exception field tests. Errors were: (Section (got expected (call))) ((date) ((638931660) Error (find-seconds 0 1 2 1 4 1990))) ((sandbox) ((bad-exception-message: "with-limit: out of time") #t (# "out of memor(?:y)" # #))) ((sandbox) (#f #t (# #))) (Other messages report successful tests of error-handling behavior.) Section(moddep) Section(boundmap) Section(id-table) Section(cm) Section(module-reader) Performed 153275 expression tests (139865 value expressions, 13410 exn expressions) and 26941 exception field tests. Errors were: (Section (got expected (call))) ((date) ((638931660) Error (find-seconds 0 1 2 1 4 1990))) ((sandbox) ((bad-exception-message: "with-limit: out of time") #t (# "out of memor(?:y)" # #))) ((sandbox) (#f #t (# #))) (Other messages report successful tests of error-handling behavior.) Section(version) Section(foreign) Section(uni-norm) Performed 505944 expression tests (492534 value expressions, 13410 exn expressions) and 26941 exception field tests. Errors were: (Section (got expected (call))) ((date) ((638931660) Error (find-seconds 0 1 2 1 4 1990))) ((sandbox) ((bad-exception-message: "with-limit: out of time") #t (# "out of memor(?:y)" # #))) ((sandbox) (#f #t (# #)))