[racket-dev] What can cause "Interactions disabled"?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 7 19:11:28 EDT 2013

Probably the check box should make finer distinctions, yes (altho the
plumbing inside is the same, as it turns out).

And, FWIW setting it to #t will probably only say "you ran out of memory".
And at the command line, you don't have drracket hogging all that memory so
probably that's the best thing, regardless.


On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have that preference set to #f, if this is what it looks like in the
> preferences file:
>     (plt:framework-pref:drracket:**show-killed-dialog #f)
> Apparently, it got set to #f when I unchecked "Show this dialog next time"
> once after I hit Ctrl-K and DrRacket warned me that I couldn't use the REPL
> until I re-ran the program. At least, that's how I interpreted the message.
> Given my interpretation, that seems like an overloaded setting. My mental
> model of running programs differentiates Ctrl-K and an error, so I expect
> the message box for Ctrl-K to be different from the error message box. Is
> that wrong?
> I'll set it to #t and try the simulation in DrRacket again soon-ish. (For
> now, I need to use the command line because this is for a paper that's due
> on Friday.)
> Thanks for your help!
> Neil ⊥
> On 10/07/2013 11:41 AM, Robby Findler wrote:
>> Then I think that that means that the message came from
>> rep.rkt's no-user-evaluation-message function and that you either should
>> have gotten a dialog with an explanation for why it terminated, or you
>> have the preference 'drracket:show-killed-dialog set to #f. I think that
>> the only two explanations are that 'exit' was called or that your ran
>> out of memory, but it may also be the case that you'd get a dialog with
>> no explanation. This could happen with this program, for example:
>> #lang racket
>> (custodian-shutdown-all (current-custodian))
>> or this one:
>> #lang racket
>> (kill-thread (current-thread))
>> Or, it may be the case that you'd get a dialog with no explanation when
>> you ran out of memory, if there's a bug (race-condition or something
>> possibly).
>> I don't see how you'd get the yellow/black warning message without
>> getting a dialog, tho, unless you have that pref set.
>> Not much help, I know. Sorry.
>> Robby
>> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com
>> <mailto:neil.toronto at gmail.com**>> wrote:
>>     Black on yellow.
>>     On 10/07/2013 09:50 AM, Robby Findler wrote:
>>         Was it black on yellow or red?
>>         Robby
>>         On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Neil Toronto
>>         <neil.toronto at gmail.com <mailto:neil.toronto at gmail.com**>
>>         <mailto:neil.toronto at gmail.com
>>         <mailto:neil.toronto at gmail.com**>__>> wrote:
>>              I have a long-running random simulation that spits out debug
>>              messages. I extrapolated that it would take 20 hours to get
>>              5,000,000 samples, and let it run for a day. Here's what I
>>         saw when
>>              I returned:
>>              Welcome to DrRacket, version
>>**____d) [3m].
>>              Language: typed/racket [custom]; memory limit: 1024 MB.
>>              starting...
>>              sample-search-tree returned failure
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              i = 100
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              [...]
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              i = 2605500
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              refinement-sample-point returned #f
>>              Interactions disabled
>>              |
>>                     560157:0        720.77MB
>>              Fear my ASCII art status bar.
>>              "720.77MB" is what I got after clicking the GC indicator.
>>         (Before,
>>              it was about 300MB.) There were no command-line messages
>>         from DrRacket.
>>              I don't think this is an out-of-memory problem. DrRacket
>>         has been
>>              good about asking for more during other simulations, my
>>         limit is set
>>              to 1024MB, and I really doubt I'm allocating a 304MB
>>         temporary object.
>>              I wrote a small program to print 600000 debug messages,
>>         thinking it
>>              was a limit on the number of lines in the REPL, and it ran to
>>              completion.
>>              For full disclosure: I paused and restarted DrRacket from the
>>              command line (fg; ctrl-z; bg) a few times while the
>>         simulation was
>>              running, so I could use my laptop unplugged without
>>         draining the
>>              battery.
>>              Besides running out of memory, what else could cause a
>>         program to
>>              halt with "Interactions disabled", and how can I avoid it?
>>              Neil ⊥
>>              _________________________
>>                Racket Developers list:
>>         http://lists.racket-lang.org/_**___dev<http://lists.racket-lang.org/____dev>
>>         <http://lists.racket-lang.org/**__dev<http://lists.racket-lang.org/__dev>
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>>         <http://lists.racket-lang.org/**dev<http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev>
>> >>
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