[racket-dev] , en and enter! sometimes do nothing, and it's changing over releases?

From: Jose A. Ortega Ruiz (jao at gnu.org)
Date: Sun Feb 10 20:16:12 EST 2013

On Mon, Feb 11 2013, Eli Barzilay wrote:

> An hour ago, Ray Racine wrote:
>> Yes, the Geiser server is meta to the target namespace and evals the sent form
>> in target namespace.
>> racket/enter.rkt does inject 
>> ;; Injecting racket/enter into the namespace to allow entering another module
>>  (unless (memq '#:dont-re-require-enter flags)
>>  (namespace-require 'racket/enter)))
>> And I agree tooling such as Geiser, xrepl should be meta to entered
>> namespace (s).
> Right -- the flag is something that I added for xrepl to make it
> possible to avoid the injection.  I think that geiser does that too.
> (And otherwise, it should.)

Yes, it does something of the sort.

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