planet proxy/mirror ==> Re: [plt-dev] Fwd: [plt-scheme] Download links in PLaneT

From: Robby Findler (robby at
Date: Wed Jan 20 10:45:04 EST 2010

Let me just double check something to be sure I'm on the same page.
The planet mirror will completely avoid the current planet server,
right? So, it has to be able to make the decision: given a planet
package request (including the version number of the mzscheme loading
the package) and the information on the mirror, which package to
serve, right?

I'm thinking you don't want to duplicate that code, right? Do you have
a plan for that? One thing would be for you to actually run a planet
server on the mirror, no?


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 8:36 PM, YC <yinso.chen at> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Robby Findler <robby at>
> wrote:
>> I'm not sure I'm quite getting what you want, but is using 'planet
>> url' (via the planet commadline tool) sufficient?
> Sorry for being unclear.  It's not about 'planet url'.
> Basically the planet servlet appears to expect a parameter called "lang",
> which is set to the current version number.  And planet does not download a
> package if the version number does not match the package's criteria.
> For example - with v4.2.3, if I run 'planet url bzlib base.plt 1 3' I get
> the following url with a lang parameter
> And if I strip the lang param out, which gives us
> Passing the stripped url I get the following as a response instead of the
> package itself
> "Binding for lang had improper format"
> Lang criteria is great for ensuring mzscheme downloading a package that
> matches its version, but this does not work well for mirroring, which simply
> tries to download all packages without caring about the versions.
> I can currently think of the following ways to solve this issue - there
> probably are other ways I have not thought of, of course:
> Through planet server
> Enable "lang-less" download
> Either expose the directory structure where the plt files are held through
> the web server, or
> Modify the servlet so lang becomes optional
> Provide an API to query for minimum version necessary for each plt file
> (this still requires one additional round trip)
> Through my mirroring client
> Try all mzscheme version number to see which one works (brute force)
>> The .plt files are all there, but they aren't in a place that is
>> served by the web server. I looked quickly into changing that; it
>> isn't trivial, but it is certainly doable if 'planet url' isn't
>> sufficient.
> I was hoping this can be a trivial change - wasn't trying to create work for
> you ;)  If it's too much effort I can go with the brute force method until
> you can look into it.
> Let me know if I need to provide additional clarifications.  Thanks,
> yc

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