[plt-dev] Fwd: [DrDr] R17971 (timeout 1) (unclean 7) (stderr 17) (changes 71)

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 5 07:13:52 EST 2010

How about a daily summary of the number of times each file failed (and
the number of builds that happened)?


2010/2/4 Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com>:
> Would you like DrDr to send email like this to plt-dev?
> Here are the features:
> 1) No email if there are no problems
> 2) Reports the following problem categories: timeouts, unclean exits,
> stderr output, and changes.
> 3) It shows the first two of those that have problems, so if timeouts
> = 0, then it just shows unclean and stderr. If stderr is also 0, then
> it will also show changes. This keeps the email size down and
> prioritizes certain kinds of errors.
> 4) It may look ugly to have http://... everywhere, but it is a way of
> getting most email clients to show a link without sending HTML mail.
> Those links go right to the file to diagnose the problem.
> What do you think?
> Jay
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:  <drdr at plt-scheme.org>
> Date: Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:16 PM
> Subject: [DrDr] R17971 (timeout 1) (unclean 7) (stderr 17) (changes 71)
> To: jay.mccarthy at gmail.com
> DrDr has finished building revision 17971 after 54.60m.
> http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/
> 1 files timed out:
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/tests/drscheme/io.ss
> 7 files exitted uncleanly:
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/tests/mzscheme/quiet.ss
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/tests/drscheme/repl-test.ss
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/tests/drscheme/module-lang-test.ss
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/tests/drscheme/language-test.ss
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/teachpack/nuworld.ss
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/meta/check-dists.ss
>        http://drdr.plt-scheme.org/17971/collects/2htdp/tests/robby-optimization-gone.ss
> --
> Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
> Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
> http://teammccarthy.org/jay
> "The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
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>  For list-related administrative tasks:
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