[plt-dev] Re: [plt-scheme] Planet HTTP 403 errors

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 25 07:19:38 EST 2009

I really have no idea. (It does, however, seem to me to more likely to
be an issue with the configuration of your machine if connecting to
multiple different hosts all produce the same http protocol response
-- that 403 response actually requires something on the other end to
formulate a particular series of bytes and send them back -- mzscheme
and drscheme won't do that.)


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Jordan Johnson <jmj at fellowhuman.com> wrote:
> Hi Robby,
> OK, I've tried a fresh download of the v4.2.3.2 pre-release, first under
> mzscheme run from commandline and then under DrScheme, and the problem
> persists.  Also, I have found that the 403 errors apparently occur with
> *any* URL.  In fact, running my web server on the very same computer, I
> can't access files on  This would seem to contraindicate
> any firewall problems...
> Any other things I ought to check?
> Best,
> jmj
> On Nov 23, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Robby Findler wrote:
>> [ moving to plt-dev ]
>> Anyone know of any security features in mac os x (or in his
>> router..!?) that might be defeating this?
>> If it helps, this is what planet's is doing to download the file (run
>> the code in the module language and the url shouldn't have any
>> whitespace in it, just in case my or your email chops up the lines).
>> #lang scheme
>> (require net/url)
>> (call/input-url
>> (string->url
>>  "http://planet.plt-scheme.org/servlets/planet-servlet.ss?lang=%")
>> get-pure-port
>> (lambda (port)
>>  (read-line port)))
>> Robby
>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 9:58 PM, Jordan Johnson <jmj at fellowhuman.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Robby,
>>> In Safari it works, though again, in DrScheme (require (planet
>>> sbloch/tiles:1:14)) fails (and so does the old-style require).
>>> jmj
>>> On Nov 22, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
>>>> jmj, Steve:
>>>> What happens if you try to visit the relevant link in your web
>>>> browser? Here's one example url, which I got from the planet
>>>> commandline tool:
>>>> % planet url sbloch tiles.plt 1 14
>>>> http://planet.plt-scheme.org/servlets/planet-servlet.ss?lang=%
>>>> You should get a few screenfuls of gibberish, starting like this:
>>>> H4sIAJF83EoAA+xdbXPTRtf+jH7F3mIKNhPZjhNoSELaEt5SoPCQAKWdDs9KWltqJK0qreIY
>>>> hvu33+fsSrJky45tiONQZSaJvS9nz1579jr7Ju3rFydaw6O+aVPSiNg/CYsF6VHXSyLWJA2L
>>>> Robby
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