[plt-dev] Re: [plt-translators] Translations for test engine

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 23 20:57:30 EDT 2009

Mike -- please go ahead and check your changes in. At some point in
the future we may have to rewrite things either because a) we've found
a better way to set up the string-constants that makes it work better
in "userspace" programs or (in the less ambitious world) we decide to
clean the check-expect code up and end up having to make all
deinprogramm uses of it give German error messages and all htdp uses
give English error messages, regardless of the user's language
preferences. But not today.


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:46 AM, Michael Sperber
<sperber at deinprogramm.de> wrote:
> Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> writes:
>> This I'm not sure. I see that creating a distribution archive with a
>> 'check-expect' expression in just ignore the check-expects, so maybe
>> there is special-case code in there already that takes care of
>> everything.
>> If you didn't add any 'require's to the string-constants library, then
>> you're probably safe. If creation of executables still works, then
>> you're probably safe.
> Creating an executable (on MacOS) (and running it) works fine for me.
> Anything specific I should test?  Of course, I didn't add any requires
> to the string-constants itself.  I just added some string constants.
> So let me see whether I have a clue what Eli and you are talking about:
> You're concerned that string-constantizing the test engine would
> introduce dependencies for HtDP programs that weren't previously there,
> that would create problems in some scenarios.  Is that correct?
> If so, is there documentation or anything that describes what
> dependencies are OK and which one's aren't?  In the discussion, you seem
> to be implying knowledge of that, and therefore I don't understand what
> you're talking about.  If the dependency on string-constants is not OK,
> why isn't the require of string-constants in test-display.scm a problem?
> --
> Cheers =8-} Mike
> Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla

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